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(0) Radio Interview With Our Very Own Audiologist Marizel Steenkamp on Tinnitus

Amy speaks to Marizel Steenkamp Audiologist at The Hearing Care Centre in CapeTown.

The topic of the interview was: Tinnitus Awareness Week - What is that ringing in the ears?


(6) The Worlds Smartest Hearing Aid Technology
With Widex EVOKE we are able to offer solutions for clinicians and patients that have never been seen before in the hearing aid market. Today, we discuss how this product is intelligent through improved automation and machine learning. We will also take a look at the EVOKE style, and discuss the different app options. Widex developed this product using a thoughtful process, keeping in mind how people live day-to-day.
(18) Why hearing loss affects much more than your ears (Health 24)
Research has shown that the effects of hearing loss are far-reaching and can cause other co-morbidities such as depression.
(1) New algorithm can dramatically improve life for those with hearing aids (Health 24)
Wearing a hearing aid, but still struggling to differentiate between voices and sounds? Thanks to new research, this may soon improve.
(0) 4 reasons why you should never leave hearing loss untreated (Health 24)
Hearing loss can severely affect your quality of life in many ways. Here is why you should treat the problem as soon as you become aware of it.
(0) How Deaf Teens Are Benefiting From Social Media
We spent the first few years of their lives willing them to sleep. We hunted down the perfect pacifier and spent a fortune for curtains with block-out, all in the hope that they would sleep. And now, we can’t get them out of bed.